How do matchmakers shield their clientele from rejection?

There is an absolute ‘given’ when it comes to dating, whether you are using the online apps, networking, speed dating, through friends or you are with a matchmaking agency: dating will involve you rejecting people and people rejecting you.

Rejection is a natural part of dating but, it is a part that people try their best to avoid, even to the point of giving up dating completely, to prevent rejection from happening!

At Bowes-Lyon Partnership we recognise this common fear about dating and we shield our clients from rejection wherever possible.

It is often the case that our members do not even know that a rejection has happened, within our matchmaking service. If we have spoken to a lady and about a gentleman, for example, and the lady declines to proceed the introduction then the gentleman is never going to hear about it! It is adopting a case of ‘ignorance is bliss’ but….in the journey of dating, it truly is!

If one party feels differently to another, then it’s a waste of time for both, and we are not in the business of wasting people’s time. We’re in the business of making the dating journey smoother, more efficient, and slicker. And in eliminating the obstacles of meeting the wrong person, we focus on honing in on the right person.

dating rejection article - couple on a bench

Couple on a bench

One of the biggest hindrances, that dating rejection can cause, is people stopping dating altogether, to try and avoid the unavoidable.

As much as we shield our members from dating rejection where possible, we also ensure we keep the momentum and consistency going, which is required to have dating success.

I liken it to getting fit - if you apply a ‘stop/start’ strategy to fitness, going to the gym a few days a week and then doing nothing for 6-weeks before finding the motivation to do a workout class, you are not going to progress in your goal. It is the same for dating; if you stop dating after one incident of rejection only to start again a few months later before stopping at the next hint of rejection - you do not get to your goal.

We are a safety net and support for our members ensuring that we encourage them to keep moving forwards and applying consistency to their journey in order to get closer to meeting their ideal partner with every step.

We recognise that dating is about emotions and making yourself feel vulnerable by putting yourself out there but, the journey feels a lot safer and more enjoyable with us as your dating ‘wing-woman’ shielding you from rejection where we can and making sure our members don’t give up no their goals.

It is important to remember that you are only hoping for only one romantic partner. So it can’t work out with everyone else, before you get to them. You have to reject a few people, and invariably be rejected, on your way to meeting the The One.

If you would like to understand how we can support you on your dating journey, then one of our friendly matchmakers would love to chat with you - you can reach out to us here.


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