Why Date Night Is Vital to Your Relationship

Date night is vital to your relationship

Are regular date nights important for the health of your relationship? Hayley Bystram, founder of the Bowes-Lyon Partnership, gives her views.

When I was growing up, I vividly remember my parents making date nights a real event. My mother getting ready in the bedroom, me sat at her vanity table, playing with her make-up, my father waiting at the bottom of the stairs for my mother to come down to take her out. I always admired the fact that my parents took time out for one another, and I’m convinced it’s one of the main reasons why they are still in love and celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this year. In reality, making time for one another is a struggle that couples face in today’s world and we see it all the time in our line of work. However, to any relationship, new or old, date night is vital and here are 17 reasons why:


You’ll have a chance to speak without interruptions – maybe for the first time in a few days. Remember, you’re allowed to discuss subjects other than the kids, work, and money – and you should!

2. Fun

Date night is an opportunity to have fun together during your busy and sometimes mundane week. You don’t have to do the classic dinner and a movie. ‘Date night’ could be an afternoon of rock-climbing, going on a picnic, taking a cooking class, doing a quiz night, or going to the zoo – whatever brings you both to life.

3. Stress-Relief

We get so bogged down with our day to day tasks, but date night should be a few hours where you put all of your cares aside. You don’t have to have a couples massage to relieve stress – just that one glass of wine and a passionate kiss can do wonders.

4. Commitment

Your dedication to the relationship will be strengthened as setting that evening aside is a clear sign that the partnership is important to both of you.

5. Spark

Romance should be an aspect of date night. Rekindle the flame in a way that works for you – candles, flowers, wine, a concert – make it your own!

6. Sexy

You’ll have the chance to dress up and feel like a woman (whether it’s on the date or after, that’s up to you). Putting a bit of effort into anything, including your appearance, is a sign that you care and your partner will recognise that. Let’s just hope he remembers to iron his shirt as well.

7. Laughter

I challenge you to giggle like you did when you were a teenager and think of your partner as your life-long crush. If that doesn’t work for you, go to see a funny movie or comedy show. Laughter guarantees a successful date night.

8. Dream

Take this evening to dream out loud with your partner. What do you want for your relationship? Family life? Where do you want to go on holiday this year? Do you have any fantasies you’d like to share? Be aspirational together.

9. Gratitude 

It may sounds cheesy, but discuss everything you’re thankful for that day or talk about one thing that happened this week that knocked your socks off. Focus on everything that’s good in your life right now.

10. Disconnect

How about leaving all electronics at home for the evening? Focus on each other. If you really need that mobile, turn it off at least for dinner.

11. Opportunity

Date nights are the perfect excuse to try that new restaurant down the street or catch up on films you’ve been wanting to see. Check out the local listings for concerts or special events as well. Step outside of the box.

12. Catch Up With Friends

Date night doesn’t have to be just the two of you. Why not go out to dinner and then catch up with one of your best ‘couple’ friends for a drink?

13. Listen

Maybe your partner has been trying to share something with you all week – really listen to him.

14. Reminisce

Talk about your first dates, what drew you to one another or your wedding day. Or better yet, go back to the location of your first date and do it all over again.

15. Build-Up

Date night means you have the perfect excuse to send your partner a naughty text in the afternoon or to leave him a post-it note on the bathroom mirror telling him how much you’re looking forward to the date. Get them excited about seeing you later on!

16. Touch

Whether this is in the bedroom at the end of the date or in the simple form of holding hands across the dinner table, make an effort to be affectionate.

17. Plan

Discuss what you’d like to do on upcoming date nights. What is your wildest idea? Most romantic? Cheesiest? Maybe even give up control and let your partner plan the next evening together; they may surprise you!

We hope you found this date night blog helpful. If you’d like to find out more about Bowes-Lyon Partnership, see our About Us page or give us a call on 0203 866 4440.


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